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Inch Buster

The main ingredients in Dr. Kats inch buster are conjugated linoleic acid, CLA is found mostly in Full Cream Milk, however, in today’s modern times most of the animals are grain fed as appose to grass fed. The concentration of conjugated linoleic acid or CLA in grass-fed animals much higher

Protein Shake

3 Flavors to choose from: Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry

Stop Eat

The active ingredient of Dr. Kats stop eat is, Hoodia Gordonii. The trick with Hoodia is when to take it. If you take two in the morning at 9 am and at 3 pm, it works great, but if you find that you are hungrier later in the evening you

Stress Buster

“Stress Buster has really helped me with my anxiety. Its helped me with my moods. I feel that I shout less, I’m more patient and it helped me with my sleeping patterns. I found that stress buster has helped me suppress my appetite and with my caffeine cravings.” – Melanie Shaw

Super C IV Nutrient Therapy

Maintains good health Immune boosting Anti-oxidant Reduces inflammation Boosts energy levels Anti-histamine

Thyro Stim

“Thyrostim helped me with my Thyroid problem. I used to feel tired and moody all the time and I’m happy with my weight loss. Thyrostim also helped me with my eczema and acne problem.” – Pearl Khumalo

Weightloss IV Nutrient

• potent energy booster • reduces inflammation • boosts immunity • powerful anti-oxidant • promotes good circulation • assist in blood pressure regulation

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