Calcium and magnesium both promotes good bone health
Especially beneficial for post-menopausal women as this reduces of osteoporosis and bone fracture.
Aids in brain development, improves memory which helps with learning.
Boric acid in Dr Kat’s Calmag is essential for treating yeast infection.
Helps your body metabolize insulin and assists
Co-Enzyme, like the name, suggests is coenzyme. Its an assistant to every single enzyme in the body. Every single person who’s on chronic medication, especially those who are on statins for cholesterol, needs to be taking coenzyme because while chronic medications help you with your chronic condition they also lower
With bladderwrack, clivers and Artichoke, Dr. Kats Diuregen, is a natural detox agent. It is great for people who have high blood pressure. It flushes out unwanted fluid from the body and combats bloating it also aids in water retention so you lose weight quicker. Dr. Kats Diuregen is a
Green Coffee Bean Extract 45% Chlorogenic Acid, a natural fat-loss aid. Natural Hypoglycaemic which promotes balanced blood sugar in Diabetic as well as in individuals with PCOS. Reduces Triglycerides and Cholesterol levels, Contains 90 Capsules
The active ingredient in the Dr. Kats Fat Burner is Raspberry Keytones, and as heard on Dr. Oz and many other celebrity programs, Raspberry ketones help to eliminate the fat from fat cells. Once a cell is kept empty of it’s fat for 3 months or more it converts into
Dr. Kats Omega 3, like the name, says is only Omega 3. Other types of Omegas is 3,6 and 9. However, in postmenopausal women, Omega 6 and 9 make some people fat. We don’t get enough Omega 3 in our diet but we do get 6 and 9. So remember
Vitamin C can be useful in fighting off common cold and flu. We all know that, but did you know that Linus Pauling, the gentleman that found out that Vitamin C is used in the treatment of scurvy, said, multivitamins don’t work. Those who need them can’t afford them and